Tuesday, September 27, 2016

To check the If Exist condition (SqlServer) in linq using c#

public void IfExist(string username)
            var name = dbcontext.userdetails.Any(s => s.username == username);

            if (name == true)
                Console.WriteLine("Record Exists");
                Console.WriteLine("Record Does Not Exists");

To check if any record exist in the table using linq c#

public void CheckRecordExistOrNot()
            var query = (from td in dbcontext.taskdetails select td).ToList();

            if (query.Count > 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Record Exists");
                Console.WriteLine("Record Does Not Exists");

The type parameter 'Entity_Code.display_Result' in ExecuteFunction is incompatible with the type 'bmModel.display_Result' returned by the function

If you get the following error while displaying the data using procedure then follow the below steps :-

Then go to the procedure and select the procedure and select goto definition

Then check the class names if the class names are same and the column names of the results from the table are same 

Now check if the column names from the table are same


Now if the result from the table and the class names are not same then change the class names both must be same

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