Monday, September 19, 2022

Git Commands

Git Version 

To check the git version

Git -v



 Git Clone

To clone the repository, use the following command:

Git clone [url]



Get into the directory using the following commands:

Cd [folder name]

Git status


Now let’s create a new file to add it to our GitHub repo using the following command:

Fsutil file createnew sample.txt 0 [where 0 is the file length]


Git Status

By using the next command, we can check which all files are newly created/modified but not yet added into the repo

Git status

*The files marked in red are untracked files which are yet to be added into the git for commit

Git Add

To add the files for commit we need to make use of the following command

Git add filename

Git status

 Git Restore [To remove the files not yet committed but staged]

To remove the files added to the stage but not yet committed use the following commands:

Git restore --staged filename

Git status

Git Commit

To commit the file into the GitHub, use the following command:

Git commit –m ‘your comments go here’

Git Push

To add the file into the main repository, use the following command

Git push

Git Pull

To get the latest changes use the following command

Git pull


Git Log

To get the log info use the following command

Git log


Git rm [To remove the file]

To remove the files from repo

Git rm filename

Git status

Git commit –m ‘reason to remove’

Git push


Git Branch 

To list all the branches

Git branch


To create new branch

To create a new branch

Git branch [branch name]

Git branch


Git Switch

To switch between branches

Git switch [branch name]


Git Commands

Git Version   To check the git version Git -v       Git Clone To clone the repository, use the following command: Git clone [u...